zTrap and NIGKOF: Resources for Gene Trap and Enhancer Trap Lines and Knockout Fish
○K. Kawakami2,1, G. Abe2, K, Asakawa2,1, R. Fukuda2, P. Lal2,1, A. Muto2,
M. Suster3, H. Takakubo2, A. Urasaki2
1)Department of Genetics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), 2)Division
of Molecular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka 411- 8540, Japan, 3)Sars International Centre, Bergen, Norway
We have developed genetic methods by using the Tol2 transposable element, i.e., gene trapping and
enhancer trapping utilizing the GFP gene or the Gal4FF gene, a modified yeast Gal4 transcription activator. To
date, we have generated and collected 173 and 572 transgenic fish that express GFP and Gal4FF in temporally
and spatially restricted fashions. These transgenic fish are a useful resource to study genetics, development
and behavior. To improve the availability of the transgenic fish resource, we developed a web-based database
named zTrap. zTrap contains images of expression patterns of GFP and Gal4FF visualized with UAS:GFP,
and is equipped with the functionality to search the expression patterns effectively. Therefore researchers
can find fish with expression patterns of their interests quickly. Furthermore, these lines have been analyzed
by Southern blot hybridization and outcrossed to generate fish with single insertions, which is necessary
to reduce unwanted effects by irrelevant insertions and make further molecular characterization easy. To
date, zTrap contains DNA sequences surrounding 439 integration sites of the gene trap and enhancer trap
constructs thus analyzed. These are mapped on the genome by in-house Blat analysis and can be viewed both
on our zTrap browser and on the Ensembl browser. zTrap is also equipped with the functionality to search the
integration sites effectively and researchers can find transgenic fish which carry transposon insertions near
genes or loci of their interests. zTrap also contains the information on the UAS reporter and effector fish.
To facilitate knocking out all of zebrafish genes, we recently started collecting not only fish with single
insertions but also fish with multiple insertions. We set up systems for sperm cryopreservation and cloning
multiple insertions from such male fish. Currently we have found that 34% of the transposon insertions thus
identified are located within annotated transcriptional units and 10% of the total insertions are located within
exons, indicating that this approach is effective. We have launched the NIGKOF database to integrate these
results. Thus, the zTrap and NIGKOF databases and resources should be useful to facilitate the zebrafish
research (http://kawakami.lab.nig.ac.jp/).