zTrap and NIGKOF: the databases for gene trap/enhancer trap lines and
gene-knockout fish lines
â—‹Koichi Kawakami1,2, Gembu Abe1, Kazuhide Asakawa1,2, Ryuichi Fukuda1, Pradeep
Lal1, Akira Muto1, Hironori Wada1
1 Division of Molecular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Genetics,
Mishima, Japan
2 Department of Genetics, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Mishima, Japan
We have developed genetic methods by using the Tol2 transposable element,
such as transgenesis, gene trapping, enhancer trapping and the Gal4FF-UAS method.
By using these methods, we have been performing genetic screens to identify
transgenic zebrafish that express GFP or Gal4FF in specific cells, tissues and organs.
To date, we generated a collection of more than 800 lines. Furthermore, the transposon
insertions in these fish were analyzed, and, to date, more than 500 integration sites
were determined. These fish are extremely useful for studies of genetics,
developmental biology and neurobiology. To further facilitate their availability, we
developed a web-based database named zTrap (http://kawakami.lab.nig.ac.jp/). zTrap
contains images of the expression patterns and the genomic information with the search
functions. Therefore, researchers can easily find fish with expression patterns of interest
and fish with transposon insertions near genes of interest. zTrap also contains the
information about the UAS reporter and effector fish created in our lab.
In the course of the screens, we have identified transgenic fish with multiple
transposon insertions. To make the best use of such fish and to facilitate knock out of
zebrafish genes, we collected male fish with multiple insertions, made frozen sperm
stocks, and analyzed all of the insertions. Currently we found that 34% of the
transposon insertions are located within annotated transcriptional units and 10% of the
total insertions are located within exons, indicating that this approach is effective for
insertional mutagenesis. We constructed a new database named NIGKOF and these
data are available on NIGKOF.